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We can't do it without your help

Prairie Harm Reduction currently has zero provincial funding. We know, it doesn’t make any sense to us, either. As a result, PHR relies on your support for the operation of the Safe Consumption Site – and all our other services. The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has proven that we will continue to face new challenges to even maintain our existing level of service to the community – not to mention expanding our capacity to support individuals, families, and youth. Harm reduction saves lives.


By Cheque

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Prairie Harm Reduction
PO Box 4062
Saskatoon, SK
S7K 4E3


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Amazon Wishlist

  • 577

    unique individuals supported in SCS

  • 1009

    unique families supported by Family Support

  • 50,947

    coffees served at our drop-in

  • 4,590

    naloxone kits distributed